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Our Black Gay Diaspora Podcast™

Our Black Gay Diaspora Podcast is a global biweekly podcast where Black LGBTQIA citizens share about their countries and professions. Creator, host, and producer Erick Taylor Woodby interviews individuals who inspire and educate others about who they are, highlighting a population often overlooked by mainstream LGBTQ+ and Black media outlets.

Ranked in the top 10 of FeedSpot’s “70 Best Black Gay Podcasts”, guests include Executive Director at PEOPLE Magazine Jeremy Helligar, Palmira Koukkari Mbenga, Swedish journalist, actor, and script editor for Netflix’s Young Royals, and Gamal ‘G’ Turawa, the protagonist in the 2022 BAFTA-winning British docudrama The Black Cop.

All episodes are on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast, and YouTube. Check for news and updates on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

85 - My Digital Nomad Journey with Erick Taylor Woodby
84 - Rugaro Gomo, Australian-based Zimbabwean Keynote Speaker, Life & Business Coach, and Author
83 - Ajamu X, British Photographer, Archivist, Curator, and Sex Activist
82 - Charles Reese, American Actor, Writer, Producer, and Public Speaker
81 - Season 4 On The Panel Bimonthly Series with Byron Adu, Lennox Benson, and George Kachimanga

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